Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beijing D9 - Transport System & Fare Card

One of our morning agenda before flying out was to get a refund for our 一卡通, Yikatong Smartcard, a truly essential travelling tool in Beijing. A full refund of its deposit and all remaining amount will be made; unlike the Singapore transit fare card system where you pay a non-refundable S$5 for "card charge".

We bought our 一卡通 from the nearest Subway station for a deposit of ¥20, S$4 and topped up each card for another ¥20. While you could buy the cards from almost all Subway stations, refunding service was only available at certain Subway ticketing booth. Check here for more infor. or get an update from the train personnel when you are here.

The best convenience of having the bus card is the doing away of having to prepare small change for travelling fares. And, that you actually enjoy 60% discount off the already concession bus fare of ¥1 - however far you travel! The discount applies similarly to our Express Bus service to the Badaling Great Wall that would have normally cost ¥12!

Subway rides was also at a flat rate and at ¥2 that wouldn't be discounted by use of the card; but we soon find that travelling via the public buses was more convenient than trains.

Buses took us to the doorsteps of our destinations and there were always traffic marshals at the stations during the morning and afternoon peak to advise us on the bus routes!

Hence we made lot of savings on transport costs.

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